Something strange was going on today. My humans were collecting lots of things together and putting them into a large rectangular box with a handle on. More worryingly, they had collected together all of mine and Shep’s belongings too - our beds, our toys and our food had all been put into the car – something was definitely going on.
Everyone got in the car, and, after a very long drive, we jumped out to find ourselves in the yard of a large white farmhouse perched on a hillside surrounded by fields of sheep.
Our noses were assailed by so many different smells, and although Shep was used to coming here, he was as excited as I was to explore.
Although the views were far reaching there did not seem to be any other buildings close by. In fact, the house was so remote that it did not even have mains water but relied on natural spring water, piped to the house from a collecting tank on the hills.
Shep and I loved the taste, but our humans drank bottled water, only using the spring water for showering, cooking, and flushing the toilet.
It was very exciting being somewhere completely different. The sounds, smells and tastes of the countryside seemed more intense and stimulating and, at night-time, it was so black that Julie decided to leave a dim light on for us.
The walks around the farmhouse were fantastic but the highlight of our holiday was a trip to the seaside.
It was another long journey which took us along the spectacular Llanberis Pass to a tiny seaside resort on the north Welsh coast called Dinas Dinlle , a place of which Julie had very fond memories.
It was a warm but cloudy day and, as it was the middle of the school summer holidays, there were lots of people about. We carried our lunch to the top of the hill fort which overlooks both the sea and the village. Here we shared the space with yet more fluffy white sheep - which were completely unperturbed by us. It was a glorious place for our picnic. Shep and I sat close to our humans, ever watchful for dropped crumbs. Shep was so relaxed and happy that he practiced rolling down the hill. I just watched.
After lunch we ventured down to the beach, parts of which, were ‘out of bounds’ to us dogs during this time of the year. Our humans and us were amused to see that the dog friendly part of the beach was so much busier than the people only section and yet, there weren’t that many dogs there.
To get to the sea, we had to cross a band of stones and pebbles which were a bit sharp to our paws but, once over them, the sand was damp and soft to our paws. It felt lovely. Shep was as eager as ever to play ball, but our humans wanted to find out what I would make of the sea. Well, it certainly didn’t taste very nice – so salty – ugh!!
Julie encouraged me to get my paws wet. I couldn’t understand why the water didn’t stay still and, why it kept taking my ball away. Every so often, a bigger surge of water would crash onto the beach, and I would lose sight of my ball completely. It was great fun paddling though, and I didn’t mind it when the waves crashed around and over me. Sadly, poor Shep is not very keen. He prefers chasing his ball across the sand.
I was so sad when we had to leave, and jealous of all of the other dogs that we left behind playing on the beach.
It had been such a lovely day.
