When we returned from our break in Devon, there was only one Tuesday evening class left with the Malvern District Dog Training Club.
It was good to see all of my classmates again
As it was our last class, we started off by showing off any tricks that we had learnt – I showed how good I was at staying – despite Julie’s determined efforts to distract me. Pluto showed how good he was at resisting temptation, despite his owner’s tempting treats, and Ralph gave an amazing high five.
I was keen to make up for my last lesson when Julie had attempted to brush me. I am not very keen on being groomed and I got so excited last lesson that I couldn’t sit still and listen when Ann was talking to us about the different types of grooming product. I gave Julie such a hard time that she had to take me home early.
But, all of us have come such a long way since the start of the course.
During our Tuesday classes, we have learnt the good manners that are needed for us dogs to live in a world with an ever-increasing number of humans, only some of which actually like us dogs.

So, in today’s lesson we consolidated much that we had learnt already. All of us can now walk on our leads without pulling, we can wait patiently whilst our humans talk to each other, and we can even resist interacting with other dogs most of the time. But we do ‘get it wrong’ sometimes!!
One very important thing that we learnt are emergency ‘stops’ and these are crucial if we are to stay safe. For example, if we are about to cross a busy road between our humans and us, we must be able to stop immediately before crossing it. I am still working on this one!!
This week we learnt another skill called Back Chaining and this will help our humans to control us at a distance – just like the working sheepdogs do in the fields.
Ann gave us all mats to lie on and our humans threw treats away from the mat and then called us back to it. That bit was really easy. It didn’t seem to matter how far Julie threw the treats. But then it became harder because Julie moved the mat away from her and we had to return to the mat but not to her. I knew what she wanted me to do – but it felt very odd. I am sure that I will get the hang of it. It just needs practice!

Although the course with the Malvern and District Dog Training Group is at an end, there is still so much to learn, and Julie and I are grateful to Ann for teaching us.
There is a bond between we dogs, and our humans and the strength of it simply depends on how much our humans are prepared to put into it.
If our humans spend quality time with us, we will learn to be the best dogs that we can be.
Well trained dogs are indeed the happiest dogs!!